Expand Your Doughnut

Trying new things and living a new way

Saturday, January 26, 2013

God ... will ... mess you UP!

These past few weeks have been weeks of change.
Things in my life have been changing.
They are still changing.
I feel like I’m on a ride at the park.
Can I get off now?

Through all of this change, a concept has been thrown into my face time and time and time and time and time (can you get the picture?) and time again. Even when I tried to skirt around the issue, it still ended up smacking me in the face.

God is involved.

Yeah, yeah, everybody’s heard it since they were kids: God wants to have a part in your life.
Then when you get to the youth group: God doesn’t want a part of your week; He wants all of your life! He wants to be involved in every tiny detail of your life.
As an adult, we’re supposed to tell the kids at church the same blah blah thing.
But do you understand it?
Do you actually live it?

Because here is the rub. Nobody ever explained how God was to get involved in my life. Nobody ever took the time to explain what it might look like to have God involved in my life. So when it started happening—very apparently—a few weeks ago, I wasn’t sure what to make of it all.

It was slightly weird when I first noticed things going … differently. And I had no idea it was God at work. But as the days grew to weeks, God started opening my eyes to what all was happening.

With God at work, involved, in my life, I started to change. (There’s that word again.)
Not change as in morph into some weird creature—some people would say that has already happened. Shut up Terra and Mom!

I started seeing people with a new perspective.
There is always one student in every classroom that is hard to like. Although teachers don’t readily admit it, it is true. I have spent almost five years substitute teaching, four years before that training as a teacher, and a few years before that working with kids… It happens everywhere—church, camp, school, daycare, college, trouble-kids-outreach, etc…
All that kids wants is to be loved.
So when God showed me that, I started praying that God would give me strength and courage and love to love those people.

I started looking at the world with a different understanding.
I have a few friends that are currently annoying the snot out of me! They are either putting on this juvenile boy act, trying to take over my life, or just being stupid far past what is being funny. After “Sharron” and I discussed this, I realized that I was not made to fit in with the people on Earth. I am not supposed to fit in here. There are people on this Earth who God has called for a specific purpose in serving Him, and I am sure that we will build each other up stronger for God. But these other friends who are not living a life that reflects Christ? (They are not saved.) Why should I be bothered that I don’t fit in with them.

Please understand that these two things are two of about ten, and they didn't happen one-two-three. It took time for me to see what God was trying to show me. It took reading my Bible every day, spending time just talking with God, spending time praying for various things going on in the world and close to home. And how I spend time with God and read the Bible are changing because of what God has shown me. 

One quick example. Before God showed me both of the items above, I prayed for the children in my Sunday school group by name. I talked with God about the things I knew they were doing that pleased Him and the things these kids were doing that did not please God. 
But after God started changing me, I started praying differently when I came to Sunday school groups. I started focusing on the whole family in prayer, instead of the child. God told me that I should be praying Psalm 127 instead of "please change them God." God changed how I looked at the annoying things these kids do, and God turned some of it to pity that these kids know no other way to 'do life' than this. God changed me.
God is still changing me.

God can change you.
God can give you a new hope and a new future and a new life.
He can make you a new creation!
Don’t be fooled though: it takes hard work and dedication.
If you think you are a strong man or a tough woman, then I dare you to follow God.
He will change you.
He will make you into someone so much better than you are today.
God will get involved.
