Expand Your Doughnut

Trying new things and living a new way

Monday, January 2, 2012

the beginning

Recently I was asked to "help" teach a Sunday school class. As time progressed, I realized that I would need to plan the lesson for a few months at a time: this was exciting and unsettling. Who was I to tell these kids what Jesus expects from them? to tell them that "this is how you should live your life"? to try to help them see the differences in living between people who love God and people who do not?

And I realized why a few hours ago: I'm human.
I'm not saying that I am more qualified than the initial Sunday school teacher. She is phenomenal! I am merely qualified because I'm human. Just like the kids in the class.

And that is how I have approached this new year. I know I have made mistakes. I know that I'll probably make some more in the near future. All that is left is to follow God to the best of my ability, continually ask for His help, and keep my focus. And that is part of my resolutions.
I have decided to focus on something that will last the entire year: have a personal journal where I can write through my discussions with God.

Teaching Sunday school with these boys and girls has taught me that I have a lot to learn, and if I am going to continue teaching these kids God's Word accurately I need to really find God and improve our relationship.

The only advice I have found to be of great importance when dealing with goals is to stay positive. Instead of "I won't do ..." focus on something you will do.

What will you do differently this year? this month? tomorrow?

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