Expand Your Doughnut

Trying new things and living a new way

Saturday, December 8, 2012

5th Period

December 2012

I began a long-term substitute position with high expectations. The teacher was organized and the classes paid attention. Then she left for weeks on end, and I was in charge. It did not go as smoothly as I foresaw.

There were far too many students who stopped working diligently once I arrived in their classroom, however I was unable to see this until after their nine-weeks’ exam. I had a headache after I graded those tests because of all the poor grades.

You must understand that I have an incredible desire that every student learn. I honestly believe that every student is capable of learning. The problem lies in getting the students to believe they are intelligent enough to learn what is being taught and getting that knowledge onto paper. Of course, having the state “assess” teachers based on their students’ test scores added a little to my anxiety: almost 25% of these students failed. *Please do not think that the full-time teacher did not do her best to educate these students; this is just how these students feel and act towards education and school.*

God was with me through all of this, because after talking with another teacher about the test results I found out that the results this year were considered normal for this particular group of students. God knows how to calm someone down alright. But He also brought to mind that letting them fail was not an option, so I busted my butt to help them understand all the material we covered after that huge assessment.

God provided again and again throughout the weeks when the regular teacher was absent. Patience, calm, insights, understanding, humility, alertness, tolerance for idiotic words and actions, etc… God provided it all. 

The most amazing and easy to see God working was during the time of 5th period.

God gave me such an attitude that even though almost all of these kids did not want to learn, their comprehension was easily equal to the classes of eager students! It was all God too. I am an effective teacher, I would like to think, but without God’s amazing spirit and attitude filling me during 5th period those students would not have passed the second nine-weeks.

God is worthy of our praise even when we can’t see His works, but even more so when He lets us in on what He is doing.


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